Established in 1975, Tomland was one of many burgeoning companies making toys to be sold through distribution channels to dime stores, mail order catalogs, grocery stores and discounters across the world. Their clients included Kreske, Montgomery Ward, Combex Toys (UK) and many more across the world.
Appearing on shelves and in catalogs provided important value and products to Tomland’s client retailers. But most importantly Tomland toys brought joy to a generation of children!
Known for creativity knocking off bigger brands like Star Trek, Star Wars, Bionic Man & Bionic Woman, Strawberry Shortcake and more. They were not going to be the first to innovate, but they brought an amazing charm and imagination to their products that allowed them to fit right into the toybox and collections alongside the more famous better known brands.
It’s the knockoff and creativity of these toys that provide them their charm and make them very valuable and sought after by Adult collectors to this day. They are sought by many who had them as a child or now are looking to collect something charming and unique.
The whole world needs the charm & fun of knockoff “kinda like” toys.
It’s not the mega entertainment brands with Tomland, it's the imagination that you bring that makes them fun!
So be it space toys, superheroes, monsters, games or dolls, Tomland toys is a whole universe of fun!